The real-life Avatar robot takes its first steps: Secretive 13 foot high South Korean 'war machine' walks by mimicking its human pilot

DATE: 19/12/2016

    The machine has taken its first steps, after two years secretly in development
    Robotics company 'Korea Future Technology' is behind the machine
    Avatar-style robot is controlled by a pilot sitting inside making limb movements
    The robot is so heavy it makes the ground around it shake when it takes steps

A 13-foot tall robot that walks like a human, making the ground around it shake, could soon become a reality.

Seoul-based robotics company 'Korea Future Technology' has completed the first tests of its giant human-like robot, called METHOD-1.

The robot, which has been developed in secret for two years, walks by mimicking the actions of its pilot sitting inside.

Resembling the giant machines that appeared in the 2009 film Avatar and the power loader from the 1986 film Aliens, the robot was the creation of Vitaly Bulgarov, a designer who has previously worked on sci-fi fims including the 2014 remake of Robocop, Transformers 4.

But now his work has moved from fiction into real life.

'I'm excited to share some updates and work-in-progress motion tests for the 4m [13 foot] tall, 1.5t heavy manned robot I have been working on with a Seoul based robotics company, Korea Future Technology,' Mr Bulgarov wrote on his Facebook page.

The robot is so heavy that it makes the ground around it shake when it takes steps, Mr Bulgarov said.

READ THE REST OF THIS ARTICLE @ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4048408/Terrifying-13ft-Avatar-robot-takes-steps-Secretive-South-Korean-war-machine-walks-mimicking-human-pilot.html

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