Trump Picks ‘Bitcoin Congressman’ Mulvaney for Budget Chief

DATE: 20/12/2016

Republican Bitcoin proponent Congressman Mick Mulvaney is the surprise pick for Donald Trump’s Office of Management and Budget chief.

Bitcoin ‘Not Manipulatable’ By Any Gov’t

Mulvaney, whose support for Bitcoin has been high profile even within Washington itself, is also due to speak for a second time at the John Birch Society, a ring-wing group which verges on extremism.

During his first speech in July, Mother Jones reports Mulvaney “slammed” the Federal Reserve while talking up Bitcoin’s virtues. He described it as “not manipulatable by any government.”

At the same time, praise came for John Birch itself, Mulvaney commenting that “you all put out some really good stuff and it’s always interesting.”

Previously defending his appearances at the group, the first of which was in July, the congressman stated he “regularly speaks to groups across the political spectrum” and that he “couldn’t remember ever turning down an opportunity to speak to a group based on the group’s political ideology.”

Mulvaney a Consistent Bitcoin Proponent

Political sympathies of this style may jar with those held by Bitcoin users who envisage a world of equality based on complete lack of central control of any one group or entity over another.

Nonetheless, Mulvaney has at least been consistent in his opinions on Bitcoin.

READ THE REST OF THIS ARTICLE @ http://bitcoinist.com/bitcoin-mulvaney-trump-budget/

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