462. Good morning Vietnam

Κάθε πρωί η ίδια και η ίδια αγωνία. Να σηκωθώ να εφεύρω την ουσία μιας πραγματικότητας δίχως νόημα.

Δε γαμιέται.

OM-State of Non-Return

Traveler now reach the stream. The astral flight adapter.
From the pain-sheath life ascends - the Non-returner sees.
Empathy release me - and the phoenix rise triumphant.
And walks onto the certitude ground - the soul's submergence ends.

From the rounds of rebirth - he arrives onto the deathless.
Light bores through the adjunct worlds - the soul-galleon prevails.
Liberates in wisdom to complete state of negation.
The five roads subsumed by grace - emancipates from dream

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