Tsunami would wipe out New York, Miami and hit England if landslide takes place in Spain, researcher claims

Researcher Dr Simon Day has predicted waves of up to 25 metres if there is a landslide in the Canary Islands

DATE: 12/12/2016

A MEGA-TSUNAMI could destroy New York and Miami if a landslide takes place in Spain.

Researcher Dr Simon Day has predicted waves of up to 25 metres if there is a landslide in the Canary Islands.

The UK’s southwestern shoreline would also be battered by three metre waves if a landslide triggered on the Spanish archipelago, according to Day’s report. 

A researcher at UCL university in London, Day first raised his theory 15 years ago but was mocked by fellow researchers.

However, his findings are now being taken more seriously after four large tsunamis acorss the world since he published his report.  

READ THE REST @ http://www.theolivepress.es/spain-news/2016/12/12/tsunami-would-wipe-out-new-york-miami-and-hit-england-if-landslide-takes-place-in-spain-researcher-claims/

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